We mentioned that honey transforms the nectar on the flowers into honey with the enzymes of the apis mellifera bees. There have been times when we wonder if honey, which is the indispensable food of our tables, which bees make completely naturally, is fake or not. There have even been times when we even resort to methods that have no scientific basis and judge the honey we eat by ourselves as fake or real. But none of these methods can inform us that the honey is fake. It is not possible to understand whether honey is cheating by looking at its smell, appearance and taste. The only way to find out whether honey is fake or not is the analysis performed in an accredited laboratory. We learn all the real information about honey with the result of analysis. Honey that meets the criteria determined in accordance with the Turkish Food Codex Honey Communiqué is called real honey. Apart from that, any method made without analysis and scientific basis should not make any sense to consumers.
Let’s not forget that honey is a food that can be easily imitated and its authenticity is difficult to detect.